Thursday, 23 September 2021

Mark and Terry return to the Recreation Ground


Time to go, was the constant mantra of a number of fans, as the Shots suffered defeat after defeat at what was once the ‘Fortress Rec’. How could we, the simple fans, pass on such a critical opinion to a professional manager - someone holding a UEFA Pro Licence. It was probably all of no consequence whatsoever, I guess, to the single-minded Danny Searle, as he appeared to give little regard to the opinion of ‘amateurs’. Afterall, he was qualified to manage England.

During Searle’s extended stay with us, I can’t say I liked the man. But then I didn’t particularly like Gary Waddock….and sadly, I never really ‘liked’ Terry Brown. I did like Lenny Walker and Jimmy Melia and Tommy Mac, probably because they were exceptional players for the Shots, before they took on the leadership of our Club - and I quite naturally carried forward my ‘idolisation’ of them to their period at the ‘helm’.

However, the liking of a manager has no connection whatsoever with my respect for the contribution that the person makes to our Club.

In the last twenty years, both Terry Brown and Gary Waddock contributed to the significant progress of the Shots. An advance that was an appropriate reward for the collective emotions of such a passionate group of supporters. And the common denominator, in each of our successful seasons, was the exuberance and combined power of our players.

Unfortunately, Terry Brown was unable to sustain the power that he unleashed in our Club. Perhaps it was a power that extended beyond his imagination. But how we all loved the experience of the play-off final at Stoke in 2004, and then the feeling of community as we shared in the pain of losing the penalty shoot-out at Carlisle, the following season.

And now we see the return of Mark Molesley, with Terry Brown appointed as the football club's ‘Father Figure’. Mark, a much-loved former player, will be given time to restore that long lost feeling of happiness to the Recreation Ground. A feeling that has been absent for far too many seasons.

Aldershot came back to life in 1992, because for many of us, its power was defined by something greater than anything that money could achieve, or indeed destroy. Our Club was recreated by the genuine passion that flows through the veins of us all.

The challenge for Mark and Terry is to have confidence in our young players, such that they deliver the exuberance, desire and vibrancy that we saw throughout the wonderful 2007/08 season, under Gary Waddock.

Don’t talk about it Mark….just do it. Football is a pretty easy game.

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