Not satisfied with simply hacking the voicemail of Milly Dowler, News International have now turned their bilious form of journalism on Aldershot Town FC…..
‘’About 20 years ago, Millwall usually had a pre-season friendly game arranged down at Aldershot Town. I enjoyed these relaxed, lubricated outings more than most of the serious matches that followed.
You didn’t have to sit down and you were privy to the confused, counter-intuitive instructions bellowed out by the manager. Also, because there were so few people there, you were allowed to mingle with the players and their Wags in the bar afterwards.
That was fun. It was always a source of pride for me that our Wags were of a different class to the Aldershot Wags, who were, by and large, rough as hell……….’’
Rod Liddle The Sunday Times 17th July 2011
Rod, ‘me ole mucker’, just a couple of observations, if I may.
First, ‘about 20 years ago’ Aldershot FC were terminally ill and eventually died after playing Cardiff City on March 20th 1992. Perhaps your researcher would like to read through the rest of this blog to ‘catch up’. (Aldershot Town - first competitive game 22/08/92)
And I suppose shaping opinion with only limited evidence can prove to be a dangerous approach. I must admit to having never met you…..although I have seen you on television, read your comments in The Sunday Times and of course a photo of you is attached to each of your columns.
‘Are you really as ‘rough’ as you appear?

Furthermore, I have never got close enough to a Millwall fan to exchange football anecdotes. But I’m sure they are all as nice as you. So it was somewhat strange, the last time we played your club in a competitive game, to be herded into The New Den under police escort.
Is this usual?
I can’t believe that your supporters are, ‘rough as hell’.
Millwall Donkey Derby - 1935

Millwall fans just wanting to exchange anecdotes....
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